Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari الامام محمد البخاري
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/pages/arabic-stories-for-classroomOne of the most outstanding Muslim scholars, his book (Sahih Bukhari) is the most authentic book of hadith. He put a lot of effort into writing it—he travelled to many countries and heard hadith from many scholars. He faced numerous trials until the scholars of the world acknowledged his excellence and high status in the world of knowledge. The biography of Bukhari is presented here in four levels in a lovable way, so he can be a role model to children in loving knowledge and hadith.
Summary - This biography of Imam Bukhari is presented here in four levels in a lovable way, so he can be a role model to children in loving knowledge and hadith. Bukhari compiled the book, Sahih Bukhari, which is the most authentic book of hadith ever.
Summary - This biography of Imam Bukhari is presented here in four levels in a lovable way, so he can be a role model to children in loving knowledge and hadith. Bukhari compiled the book, Sahih Bukhari, which is the most authentic book of hadith ever.
من أبرز علماء المسلمين، وكتابه (الجامع الصحيح) أصح كتب الحديث النبوي الشريف، بذل في تأليفه جهودا عظيمة، فسافر وارتحل إلى بلاد عديدة، وجالس علماء كثيرين، وتعرض لاختبارات متعددة ونجح فيها حتى أقر له جميع العلماء بالفضل والمنزلة العالية في العلم.. قدمنا سيرة البخاري بأسلوب محبب للطفل وبمستويات أربعة حتى يكون قدوة لأبنائنا في حب العلم والحديث النبوي.
Showing 1 - 5 of 5 products

Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari : Level 1 الامام محمد البخاري المستوى الاول
Sale price$12.99

Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari: Level 2 الإمام محمد البخاري
Sale price$12.99

Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari: Level 3 الإمام محمد البخاري
Sale price$12.99

Imam Muhammad Al-Bukhari: Level 4 الإمام محمد البخاري
Sale price$12.99
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Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari (Set of 4 Books) الإمام محمد البخاري
Sale price$46.76
Regular price$51.96
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