I Love Palestine أحب فلسطين
2 products
/pages/elementary-pre-k-6th-level An educational series presenting the history, geography, people, and cities of Palestine, past and present, targeting children aged between 6 and 10 years old.
The series consists of four levels, with each level comprising three books:
- Student Book.
- Exercises and Activities Book.
- Teacher's Guide.
The books in the series are suitable for use as curriculum textbooks, to be taught in accredited schools under the Ministries of Education in the Arab world. They can also be effectively utilized in educational and academic institutions concerned with the Palestinian cause, as well as Islamic centers both within and outside the Arab world.
The series was authored by a group of educational specialists, university professors, and curriculum and education experts.
سلسلة تربوية منهجية تعليمية، تقدم تاريخ فلسطين، وجغرافيتها، وإنسانها، ومدنها، في الماضي والحاضر موجهة للأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم ما بين (6) - (10) سنوات.
تتكون السلسلة من أربعة مستويات لكل مستوى منها ثلاثة كتب، على النحو الآتي:
- كتاب الطالب.
- كتاب التمارين والأنشطة.
- دليل المعلم.
شارك في تأليف السلسلة مجموعة من المتخصصين التربويين، وأساتذة الجامعات، وخبراء المناهج والتعليم.