/pages/pre-k-2nd-levelThe Have Fun Learning series for preschool (the first edition, get ready for reading) is a series to teach letters and numbers and also includes a handwriting book, math and reading exercises, and activities and posters.
The Have Fun Learning series introduces children to new concepts every day. It provides a fun and educational activities to help children develop academic skills that will help them succeed in school. Our curriculums help prepare children for school and have fun learning.
سلسلة التعلم الممتع للروضة الأولى والروضة الثانية، التحضيري الأول، الاستعداد للقراءة: سلسلة لتعليم الحروف والأرقام للأطفال+ كتاب الخط+ تمارين الحساب والقراءة، تمارين ونشاطات مع ملصقات ممتعة وفق مناهج واضحة.