Stories of the Prophets for Children (Arabic) قصص النبيّين للأطفال

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Weight: 0.99 lb
Barcode: 9781872531458
Format: Hardcover
Ages: 9 - 12 Years
Theme: Prophets
ISBN-13: 9781872531458
Pages: 360
Dimensions: (6" X 8")
First Publishing Date: 7/1/2003
Current Publishing Date: 7/1/2015
Current Edition: 4th


An all-time children’s favorite, this book contains vivid portraits of fourteen major prophets mentioned in the Qur’an. It provides insight into their struggle to serve the true God and guide their communities from going astray.
A lively translation from its original Arabic with carefully worded questions for each chapter (workbook) and maps which also makes it suitable for classroom use as a textbook. Despite its small size, the book Stories of the Prophet for Children is a beautiful addition to the distinguished Sayyed Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi and the other brothers who work in the field of inviting others to the Islamic call. This book invites not only adults to experience the purity of Islam, but also children, whose hearts and souls need to grow with light and faith within them. The stories in this book target those young and innocent hearts.
وقصص النبيين للأطفال "على صغر حجمه" عمل جميل يضاف إلى أعمال السيد أبي الحسن وإخوانه الأفاضل في حفل الدعوة الإسلامية، فليس الكبار وحدهم هم الذين يجب أن يبلغ أليهم الإسلام في صورته النقية بل إن قلوب الصغار لأحوج إلى هذا الغذاء ليشبوا وطعم الإيمان في نفوسهم، و نوره في قلوبهم، وبشاشته في أرواحهم، والقصص في المادة الأولى التي تتطلع لها تلك القلوب الصغيرة البريئة.

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