Sabilouna Islamic Education سلسلة سبيلنا للتربية الإسلامية
4 products
Sabiluna," inspired by the words of the Almighty: "Say: 'This is my path.'" Religious belonging and practice are part of collective approaches and practices: "And I have chosen Islam as a religion for you." We chose the plural "our path" so that the learner feels the value of belonging to this great religion... a word easy to memorize and which has its equivalent in local European languages once translated, and which expresses the general objective of what we wanted from the book: to guide learners towards the right path.
Fundamentals Stage: This stage covers three educational levels: preparatory, first, and second grades. It is methodologically based on the triangle of discovery, encouragement, and facilitation.
- Enable young learners to recognize the basic components of Islam, including the Quran, ethics, Hadith, biography, worship, and belief.
- Strengthen the psychological relationship and cultural connection between learners and Islam by focusing on its human aspects and its impact on their daily lives.
مرحلة الأساسيات :
تغطي هذه المرحلة ثلاثة مستويات تعليمية: التحضيري والأولى والثانية، وتستند منهجيًا على مثلث الاكتشاف والترغيب والتيسير .
- تمكين المتعلمين الصغار من التعرف إلى المكونات الأساسية للدين الإسلامي من قرآن وأخلاق وحديث وسيرة وعبادات وعقيدة
- توثيق العلاقة النفسية والرابط الثقافي بين المتعلمين والإسلام عبر التركيز على أبعاده الإنسانية وتأثيره على حياتهم اليومية .