Arabic Reading Competition 2024-2025
We are proud to announce Noorart’s Arabic Reading Competition (مسابقة القراءة العربية) for our beloved students.
Program dates: Dec 15, 2024 - Jan 15, 2025
This program will help your students build a habit of reading in Arabic. Reading in Arabic will improve their Arabic language significantly and help fulfill the mission of your Arabic language program. We hope that this experience will encourage parents and students to participate in reading activities.
You can use our letter to parents and the other related files below to encourage them. Also, here are some tips that might be helpful to making the program a success for your school.
- Use assignments in your classes. This is very simple to do from our platform. Assign 5 stories each week if possible and check your students’ progress from the teacher dashboard.
- Offer students Certificates of Appreciation if they finish twenty stories during the program dates.
To show our appreciation for everyone’s efforts, Noorart will be offering the following prizes to participants:
Students: Based on the number of books read, recorded, and quizzes solved, the top 9 readers will be rewarded as follows:
- Top 3 readers: $100 gift card each.
- Next 3 readers: $75 gift card each.
- Final 3 readers: $50 gift card each.
Click here to download the following files to send to parents:
- Newsletter - We have included a sample newsletter that you can send to parents. (PDF format, MS Word format)
- Social Media Banner - Please use this banner on your school’s social media channels (e.g., Facebook) and on your school website. JPEG
- Arabic Reading Competition - My Daily Reading Log (PDF format, MS Word format)
This competition is for all schools that are using the Noorart Kutubee Arabic Interactive Reading platform (please check If your school does not have a subscription, don’t worry! We can offer you full access and training free of charge to use the platform from Dec 15th, 2024 - Jan 15st, 2025 (a minimum of 50 students must apply for this special offer. The deadline to apply is Dec 10th, 2024).
For schools, please contact us for more information about the program and/or the Noorart interactive reading platform Kutubee (phone: 888-442-5687 choose school department, email:
Arabic Reading Competition terms 2024-2025
- The competition period is 1 month.
- Make sure to motivate the students to record their voices while reading the story on the application and solve the quiz to consider this story as a read story during the competition results.
- The competition will start on 12/15/24 and end on 01/15/25
- The least number of students should be 50 students per school.
- The schools should provide us with the student's list before 12/10/24