Kutubee Special Offer for Schools
Kutubee Special Offer for Schools
This page is for students from schools that participated in the Kutubee special program 2023
If your school didn't participate yet, please inform them about this program.
Dear Parents,
We have partnered with Noorart to offer Kutubee to our students this year at a very special price. Kutubee is an interactive Arabic reading platform with more than 800 stories in Arabic handpicked from reputable publishers. Kutubee will improve your children’s mastery of the Arabic language.
Kutubee Key Features
- GRADED READING BY LEVEL: From very beginner to advanced levels. Students can browse Arabic stories by subject, publisher, age, or IB system (PYP themes).
- LISTEN TO STORIES: Listen to stories recorded in Modern Standard Arabic and follow along with the highlighted word. This helps readers in listening skills and in pronouncing words correctly.
- RECORD AUDIO: Students can record themselves reading a story and share it with their teacher.
- MEASURE COMPREHENSION: Comprehension questions take into account various cognitive skills and help improve comprehension and language skills.
- 24/7 ACCESS: Student can access 800 books almost 24/7 from any device (until 8/31/23).
- READING MADE EASY: The text can be enlarged in web browsers, on smartphones, and on tablets.
- DETAILED REPORTS: Parents and students get detailed reports about the number of books read, time spent reading, and overall progress.
We encourage you to participate in this amazing program. It can have a huge impact on our children’s mastery of the Arabic language.
Please send $10 with your child to register for this program at your school.
We hope your kids will enjoy learning Arabic!
Kutubee Features مميزات كتبي
Improve language skills
تحسين المهارات اللغويَّة
Listening to the audio recording helps readers pronounce words correctly.
تمكين المستخدم من اللفظ الصحيح للكلمة في أثناء استماعه للتّسجيل الصّوتيّ
Stimulate creative thinking
تحفيز التفكير الإبداعي
Students can analyze the content of the story and change some of the events in it through certain characteristics such as the ability to highlight and others.
من خلال تحليل محتوى القصّة وتغيير بعض الأحداث فيها بواسطة خصائص مثل القدرة على التّظليل وغيرها
Increase Knowledge
زيادة المعرفة
A variety of stories at different levels of reading for a variety of interests.
توافر قصص ضمن مستويات قرائية مختلفة، تراعي الميول والاهتمامات
Get detailed reports
تقارير مفصلة
Parents get detailed reports about the number of books read and time spent reading.
يمكن أن يتابع الأهل تقارير مفصّلة عن عدد الكتب وزمن القراءة لكل كتاب
Listen to stories
قصص مسجلة صوتيًا
Listen to stories recorded in Modern Standard Arabic and follow along with the highlighted word.
قصص مسجلة صوتيًّا بلغة عربية فصحى، مع تظليل الكلمة في أثناء القراءة لسهولة التتبع
Record audio
إمكانية تسجيل الصوت
Students can record themselves reading the story and share it with their teacher.
إمكانية تسجيل صوت الطالب على القصة، ومشاركة التسجيل مع المعلم
Customize avatars
تخصيص الصورة الرمزية
Students can customize their avatar to suit their personality using numerous options.
يمكن للطالب تخصيص الصورة الرمزية بما يناسب شخصيته من ضمن خيارات واسعة
Measure comprehension
قياس الفهم والاستيعاب
Comprehension questions take into account various cognitive skills and help improve comprehension.
مجموعة من الأسئلة المراعية لمهارات التفكير المختلفة والمعززة للمستخدم